Author: Oliver Foo

  • Weak in math but strong in football

    Weak in math but strong in football

    “If my son is weak in math but strong in football, should I arrange one-on-one training for math or football?”, a friend asked. Do we focus on strengths or weaknesses? Coincidentally, I’d just read a renowned sports coach’s thoughts on the same topic. In team sports, it’s clear: focus on strengths. Don’t ask Messi to…

  • Of showers and whistling …

    Of showers and whistling …

    Last night I heard something that always brings a smile to my face but which I don’t mindfully acknowledge enough. One daily exercise I learned from a mindfulness program is the 10-Finger Appreciation. We mindfully go through ten things – big or small – we appreciate, and observe how our body feels. Mindful appreciation, my…

  • When Beliefs and Behaviours Collide

    When Beliefs and Behaviours Collide

    My parents left China pre-WW2, met and married in Singapore. Over 17 years, my mother gave birth to 9 children. My parents’ belief was that more children = more caregivers in their old age. This was a common belief – and behaviour – until the Sg government reframed it by proclaiming, “the more (children) you…

  • Mothers get it …

    Mothers get it …

    I once observed a senior leader berate a young assistant for not ensuring that his 6-star hotel room had a harbour view. This was at a big client event where the clients had been given the best harbour-facing rooms. What’s a low hanging fruit in leadership? It’s for leaders to put their team’s success ahead…

  • A new Prime Minister and his Merlions

    A new Prime Minister and his Merlions

    Much will be written about Singapore when our new Prime Minister takes over next week. I’ll offer a “path less travelled” take here: what characteristics in the Merlion – a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish and Sg’s national mascot – best reflects the country that has…

  • A trapped poet

    A trapped poet

    Taylor Swift’s latest album has this line: “Tell me something awful, like you are 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲.” The lady is a poet herself. Just 10 words to capture the struggle many face at work. Are we in the wrong job, team, company etc? Ms Swift is right: this…

  • Football, Leadership and Ego …

    Football, Leadership and Ego …

    A friend S now lives in Melbourne, Oz. His daughter moved out in the last couple years from the family home. She’s intelligent, articulate and fiercely independent. S himself is grateful that she takes after her mom. Father/daughter share a love for football. S is a die-hard Liverpool fan, while she played throughout uni. One…

  • Ernest Hemingway, the Management Consultant

    Ernest Hemingway, the Management Consultant

    My favourite Ernest Hemingway quote is from the novel “The Sun Also Rises”, where a character is asked, “How did you get bankrupt?”. His classic reply was “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” The answer describes so many phenomena in life. A relationship breaks down gradually, then suddenly. Our health deteriorates slowly, then suddenly. We do…

  • Perfection, thou art not a friend …

    I came across a new’ish word over the weekend: Blursday. I had to look it up – a noun, it’s “a day not easily distinguished from other days, or the phenomenon of days running together”. It was birthed during the Covid lockdowns. Example: “Lockdowns had us living in Blursday; one day felt exactly like the…

  • Life Lessons from Finland – a Singaporean’s views

    Life Lessons from Finland – a Singaporean’s views

    Finland was recently ranked the happiest country in the world – for the 7th year running. Reading this took me back to an episode from half a life-time ago. In Aug 1994 – armed with youthful exuberance, curiosity and a full head of hair – I flew to Helsinki. I’d just joined Finnish company Nokia…